收藏本站 让广大创业者及微小企业便捷、省心、省钱。


1.Doyouhaveafeelinglikethat? 浣犳湁娌℃湁瑙夊緱? Sometimesyoualwaysliketorecalling. 鏈夋鏃堕棿浣犱細鐗瑰埆鍠滄鍥炲繂, Andliketothinkofthepasttimeandpastthi

2.Only want you to believe me one sentence: "if you have to, I will always love. 鍙兂浣犵浉淇℃垜涓€鍙ヨ瘽:鈥滀綘鑻ヤ竴鐩村湪,鎴戜究涓€鐩寸埍銆?/p>

3.Look back at me. Ive been behind you all the time.

4.To love someone in secret is like a seed in bottle waiting for growing up, though not sure whether the future will be more beautiful, still waiting it earnestly and eagerly.鏆楁亱涓€涓汉鐨勫績鎯?灏卞儚鏄摱涓瓑寰呭彂鑺界殑绉嶅瓙,姘歌繙涓嶈兘纭畾鏈潵鏄惁鏄編涓界殑,浣嗗嵈鐪熷績鑰屽€斿己鐨勭瓑寰呯潃銆?/p>

5.It was since the day which I met you that I have done is all for approaching you.鑷垜閬囪浣犵殑閭eぉ璧?鎴戞墍鍋氱殑涓€鍒囬兘鏄负浜嗘帴杩戜綘銆?/p>

6.I dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving you. 鎴戠殑涓€棰楃溂娉帀杩涗簡娴锋磱,褰撴垜鎵惧埌瀹冪殑閭d竴澶╁氨鏄垜鍋滄鐖变綘鐨勯偅涓€澶┿€?/p>

7.Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control銆?閬囪浣犳槸鍛借繍鐨勫畨鎺掕€岀埍涓婁綘鏄垜鎯呬笉鑷銆?/p>

8.I love you more than youll veer know . 鎴戞瘮浣犳兂璞′腑鐨勬洿鐖变綘銆?/p>

9.You are one for me (浣犳槸鎴戠殑鍞竴)

10.I miss you but i miss you (鎴戞兂浣?浣嗘槸鎴戦敊杩囦簡浣?

11.Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of mycontrol銆傞亣瑙佷綘鏄懡杩愮殑瀹夋帓,鑰岀埍涓婁綘鏄垜鎯呬笉鑷銆?/p>

12.Is there anyone like me? Sometimes a joke is a true idea in the subconscious mind.

13.After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand. Im thinking of you this Valentines Day.绾典娇澶氬勾宸茶繃,浣嗘槸姣忓綋鎴戠揣鎻′綘鐨勬墜鏃?浠嶆湁涓€绉嶈嚜宸辫繕鏄珮涓敓鐨勬劅瑙夈€傛垜鍦ㄨ繖涓儏浜鸿妭,涓€鐩存€濆康鐫€浣犮€?/p>

14.My Guess Is That Its Naive 鎴戠殑鐚滄槸杩欐槸澶╃湡

15.I never told you, I wanna hold you銆傛垜浠庢湭鍛婅瘔浣?鎴戞兂鎷ユ姳浣?/p>

16.You are my starlight. You are my faith. 鏄熷厜鐠€鐠ㄥず鐩?閭f槸璋佺殑鏄熷厜? 鏁欏緬铏旇瘹璺嫓,淇′话涓€鐩撮兘鍦ㄣ€?/p>

17.You are my sunshine.浣犳槸鎴戠殑澶槼

18.I Care about you a great deal (鎴戝緢鍦ㄤ箮浣?

19.Dont be afraid to have me by your side

20.No one in your love can take the place of you.

21.There is grave.There is grave. [ 蹇冮噷鏈夊骇鍧?钁潃鏈骸浜?]

22.I like you ,but just like you銆?濡傛灉鎸夌収瀛楅潰鎰忔€濈殑璇?灏辨槸: 鎴戝枩娆綘,鑰屼粎浠呭彧鏄枩娆綘銆?鏂囪壓鐨勭炕璇戞槸: 绾电劧涓囧姭涓嶅,绾电劧鐩告€濆叆楠?鎴戜篃寰呬綘鐪夌溂濡傚垵,宀佹湀濡傛晠銆?/p>

23.I never stopped waiting. 鎴戜粠鏈斁寮冭繃绛夊緟


25.love is like the grasses hidden in the deep mountains. though its abundance increase, there is none that knows. 鎴戠殑.鐖辨儏 鐘瑰闈掕崏,钘忓湪娣卞北銆傚畠閮侀儊钁辫懕,鍗存棤浜虹煡鏅撱€?/p>

26.You let me lose a lot.浣犺鎴戝け鍘讳簡濂藉

27.see how much l love you.鐪嬫垜鏈夊鐖变綘銆?/p>

28.Love is putting someone elses needs before yours. 鐖卞氨鏄妸鏌愪釜浜虹湅寰楁瘮浣犺嚜宸遍噸瑕?/p>

29.姣忔棩涓€鍙ヨ嫳璇?The best time was when we loved each other without knowing we were loved by one another.鏈€濂界殑鏃跺厜,灏辨槸浣犲枩娆㈡垜,鎴戜篃鍠滄浣?鍙垜浠兘杩樻病琛ㄧ櫧銆?/p>

30.I can meet a person in a minute,like a person in an hour and love a person in a day,but it will take me a whole life to forget you.閬囦笂涓€涓汉瑕佷竴鍒嗛挓鐨勬椂闂?鍠滄涓€涓汉鍙渶涓€灏忔椂鐨勬椂闂?鐖变笂涓€涓汉瑕佷竴澶╃殑鏃堕棿,鍙鎴戝繕璁颁綘鍗磋鐢ㄤ笂涓€鐢熺殑鏃堕棿銆?/p>

31.Do you know, l love you銆愪綘鐭ラ亾鍚楋紝鎴戠埍浣犮€?/p>

32.See how much I love you?(鐭ラ亾鎴戝鐖变綘鍚?)

33.I dont know if Im still waiting for the next year.

34.I like you,but just like you.鎴戝枩娆綘锛屼粎浠呭姝わ紝鍠滄鑰屽凡銆傘€岀旱鐒朵竾鍔笉澶嶏紝绾电劧鐩告€濆叆楠紝鎴戜篃寰呬綘鐪夌溂濡傚垵锛屽瞾鏈堝鏁呫€傘€?/p>

35.A boy can do everthing for girl 鈥斺€斾竴涓敺瀛╁彲浠ヤ负濂冲鍋氫换浣曚簨

36."Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.閬囪浣犳槸鍛借繍鐨勫畨鎺掕€岀埍涓婁綘鏄垜鎯呬笉鑷銆?

37.You don鈥檛 need someone to love in secret. We just stand by the river and feel sad when seeing the shadow in the water and thought that we r falling love with someone. 鏆楁亱鏄笉闇€瑕佸璞$殑,鎴戜滑涓嶈繃绔欏湪娌宠竟,鐪嬬潃鑷繁鐨勫€掑奖鑷€?鍗翠互涓鸿嚜宸辨鍦ㄧ埍鐫€鍒汉銆?/p>

38.If love, please cherish.鑻ョ浉鐖?璇风弽鎯?/p>

39.Looking at your eyes, I saw the sea, the blue sky; more to see thebeautiful future!

40.The cruelest thing in the world is that you know I like you, but pretend I dont know!

41.Meeting you was fate, being your friend was a choice,but falling in love with you was beyond my control銆?/p>

42.Ive had a crush on a boy for ages.but he doesnt even notice me.鎴戜竴鐩存殫鎭嬩竴涓敺鐢?鍙粬閮芥病姝g溂鐪嬭繃鎴戙€?/p>

43.Unfortunately, there is no you in the time.

44.In the face of love, at least be brave. Its useless to only love secretly.闈㈠鐖辨儏,鑷冲皯瑕佸媷鏁竴浜?鍙殫鎭嬫槸娌$敤鐨勩€?/p>

45.I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream underthe light shedding through your window.鎴戞兂灏嗗浣犵殑鎬濆康瀵勪簣鏁h惤鐨勬槦瀛?浣嗘効閭g偣鐐圭殑鏄熷厜鑳界収杩涗綘鐨勭獥鍓?浼翠綘濂芥ⅵ銆?/p>

46.I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you .鎴戞檽寰椾綘鏈€鐖卞ソ杩欓姝?鎴戜篃鐭ラ亾浣犵殑蹇冪悊,鎴戞兂浣?/p>

47.I put the youth in love, but can not be with you.鎴戞妸闈掓槬鑰楀湪鏆楁亱閲?鍗翠笉鑳藉拰浣犲湪涓€璧枫€?/p>

48.You and I see each other is a fate, we cherish each other the hard wonfeelings. Hope to acpany you in thefuture.浣犳垜鐩歌鏄竴绉嶇紭,鎴戜滑褰兼鐝嶆儨鐫€杩欎唤鏉ヤ箣涓嶆槗鐨勬劅鎯呫€傚笇鏈涘湪浠ュ悗鐨勮矾涓婅兘闄即鐫€浣犱竴鐢熶竴涓栥€?/p>

49. Put you in my heart. (鎶婁綘鏀惧湪鎴戝績閲?

50.Im always keeping my eyes on you,by the means you know or not.鎴戜竴鐩村湪鍏虫敞浣?鐢ㄤ竴鍒囦綘鐭ラ亾鎴栦笉鐭ラ亾鐨勬柟寮?/p>

51.i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.鎴戝枩娆綘涓嶆槸鍥犱负浣犳槸璋?鑰屾槸鍥犱负鎴戞槸璋佸綋鎴戣窡浣犲湪涓€璧风殑鏃跺€欍€?/p>

52.Please don t keep silence all the time and don t wait just for waiting. May the boat with my love sail into your heart.

53.鎴戝紑蹇冨湴鐫′簡銆傚湪姊﹂噷涔熶細閬囪浣犮€備綘璇翠綘涔熷枩娆㈡垜銆備綘璇翠綘涔熷枩娆㈡垜銆傚湪姊﹂噷涔熶細閬囪浣犮€傛垜寮€蹇冨湴鐫′簡銆俉emoer. I AM.

54.I like you,but just like you. 鎴戝枩娆綘,浠呬粎濡傛,鍠滄鑰屽凡銆?绾电劧鐩告€濆叆楠?绾电劧涓囧姭涓嶅銆?鎴戜篃鍙効浣犵湁鐪煎鍒?椋庡崕濡傛晠銆?/p>

55.Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high intothe airand flyingwith my blessing towards you l dont care loneliness. I am satisfiedwhen you are happy and Iam happy when Ithink of you!鍗冧竾涓€濆康,鍦ㄧ┖姘斾腑鍑濆浐銆傛壃璧烽鍚瑰悜浣?甯︾潃鎴戠殑绁濈,瀵傚癁鎴戜笉鍦ㄤ箮,浣犲揩涔愭垜灏辨弧瓒?鎯充綘鏄垜鐨勫垢绂?

56.Never give up on someone that you can鈥檛 go a day without thinking about. 姘歌繙鍒斁寮冧竴涓綘姣忓ぉ閮藉湪鎯冲康鐨勪汉銆?/p>

57.You are the joy of youth. 浣犳槸骞村皯鐨勬鍠? Young people like you. 骞村皯鐨勫枩娆㈡槸浣? The boy you like is you. 鍠滄鐨勫皯骞存槸浣? Its you that teenagers like. 灏戝勾鍠滄鐨勬槸浣?

58.He said I could be like a person. In fact, I know.浠栬鎴戝彲鑳芥槸鏆楁亱涓婁簡涓€涓汉銆傚叾瀹炴垜鐭ラ亾銆?/p>

59.Met you by accident, be fond of you not suddenly, fall in love with you was taken for granted, miss you every day is a bad habit to nature.纰拌浣犳槸鍋剁劧,鍠滃ソ浣犱笉鏄獊鐒?鐖变笂浣犲€掓槸鐞嗘墍褰撶劧,姣忓ぉ鎯充綘鏄範姘旀垚鑷劧銆?/p>

60.I gave you all of the youth and myself, but nothing back, include you

61.The best feeling is when you look at him and he is already staring.鏈€濂界殑鎰熻鏄綋浣犳湞浠栫湅杩囧幓鏃?浠栧凡缁忓湪鍑濊鐫€浣犮€?/p>

62.鎴戝紑蹇冨湴鐫′簡 鍦ㄦⅵ閲屼篃浼氶亣瑙佷綘 浣犺浣犱篃鍠滄鎴?浣犺浣犱篃鍠滄鎴?鍦ㄦⅵ閲屼篃浼氶亣瑙佷綘 鎴戝紑蹇冨湴鐫′簡 Wemoer. I AM

63.If I know what love is,it is because of you.濡傛槸鑹汉闀跨浉缁?鐘规亹姊︿腑鎬濅笂閭€?/p>

64.Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.瀛ょ嫭瀵傚癁鐨勬椂鍊?鎴戜細闈欓潤鐨勬兂鐫€鏌愪汉銆?/p>

65.You know someone means alot to you when their mood can easily affect yours.

66.When keeping the ambiguity with you ,I fear I will fall in love with you, and I fear I will cry after your leaving.涓庝綘淇濇寔鐫€涓€绉嶆殩鏄х殑鍏崇郴,鎬曡嚜宸变細鐖变笂浣?鎬曚綘绂诲紑鍚?鎴戜細

67.Past a toast to love don t look back鏁線浜嬩竴鏉厭 鍐嶇埍涔熷埆鍥炲ご

68.my heart beats for you every day銆?iam inspired by you.姣忎竴澶╅兘涓轰綘蹇冭烦,姣忎竴鍒婚兘琚綘鎰熷姩,姣忎竴绉掗兘涓轰綘鎷呭績銆傛湁浣犵殑鎰熻鐪熷ソ銆?/p>

69.When the words 鈥淚 love you鈥?were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.

70.Only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions.

71.In the world, there would be so a person silently watching you, loving you, but never to be close to you. 涓栫晫涓?鐪熺殑浼氭湁閭d箞涓€涓汉榛橀粯鍏虫敞鐫€浣?鐤肩埍鐫€浣?鍗存案杩滀笉鍐嶉潬杩戜綘銆?/p>

72.My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you everyminute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.姣忎竴澶╅兘涓轰綘蹇冭烦,姣忎竴鍒婚兘琚綘鎰熷姩,姣忎竴绉掗兘涓轰綘鎷呭績銆傛湁浣犵殑鎰熻鐪熷ソ銆?/p>

73.Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you .When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionat words I left for you!蹇冭璁╀綘鍚,鐖辫璁╀綘鐪嬭,涓嶆€曟壙璁ゅ浣犳湁澶氱湻鎭?鎯充綘鐨勬椂鍊?鐩间綘鑳芥敹鍒版垜鐨勭湡鎯呯暀瑷€!

74.You know my loneliness is only one person waiting for you, thousands of mysweet songs are only sung for you.

75.缁忓吀鑻辨枃鐖辨儏璇?Whenever you need me, Ill be here. Whenever youre in trouble, Im always near.Whenever you feel alone, and you think everyone has given up.Reach out for me, and I will give you my everlasting love.

76."But to see her was to love her, love but her, and love her forever" - Robert Burns 鈥滆皝瑙佸ス灏变細鐖卞ス锛屽彧鐖卞ス锛岃€屼笖姘歌繙鐖卞ス銆傗€?/p>

77.i love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night. 鈥斺€斺€斺€旀垜鐖变綘鏄垜鏅氫笂灏卞瘽鍓嶆渶鎯宠亰澶╃殑浜恒€?鍑鸿嚜鐢靛奖

78.No one in this world is as nervous as you are! So spoony love me. So I decided to marry you in my life!

79.Day in different space, miss in different time, no matter how the change of the world, you will always be my favorite.



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